Venture Electronics Monk Plus review

Oct. 29, 2021
image of venture-electronics-monk
(OSP: £4) £7
AliExpress/Veclan Electronics


Venture Electronics, started in 2015, design earphones and kindly gear. The Plus is the follow up to the original Monk. There are many variations—these are 40 Ohm with a stock TRS plug.


image of venture-electronics-monk-plus


For a small manufacturer, the Monk Plus is a well‐judged build. A fairly thiick wire has some memory so will tangle, but not badly. I think it will be good for robustness. The large housing size could interfere with people who have small ears. The semi‐translucent gray–amber of my standard Smoke edition is amusing, but I make it as only passable as a design statement.


Reasonable volume. Sounds muffled—a lack of volume range. Tight rendering of attack and decay. Reasonable timing. Swells are handled reasonably, they can muddle. Some edge at low lead strings, and somewhere in high strings. And a controlled bump somewhere near mid‐bass sounds. Frequency range is limited, though in the extremes. Details are poor, though the available frequency range and overall finesse deliver scrapes and scratches enough. Delivers color everywhere. Huge scale but vague on position.

Not a good voice amp. For orchestral music, the occasional frequency response jars, and the muffle is dark, but the finesse and scale are welcome. The way the Monk Plus effortlessly rides into a string section can be unlike anything else. The Monk slows and distances rock music, and can jar and muddle. It’s only good for electronic pop. The space can be affecting on solo musics.


mic available?yes
cable noisereasonable
accessories3 pairs of foams
supportGood info, outstanding response, legendarily eccentric


According to the Veclan Electronics site, the aim was an experience not unlike headphones. Achieved. The Monk Plus trades volume range and timing for better handling of fine frequency detail. And allows unevenness for colorful delivery. The Monk Plus is throught‐through everywhere, and likely robust. It has outstanding finesse, it seems at a cost of becoming uneven. It’s different and often surprising for solo instrumental and orchestral music. It doesn’t play what I hear in rock and instrumental pop.

Seems to be a better driver, as well as larger, than used in similar earphones. This is encouraged to deliver it’s best when it can. Of the many reviewers, some accuse the Monk Plus of being dull—it is—and most praise it’s tones. The Monk Plus is sound reproduction as a proposal—if you want to hear music with finesse and space it’s outstanding, This is a sound that that will get better the more you throw at it. But all that HiFi… it don’t rock.