Venture Electronics Monk Lite review

Oct. 26, 2021 Notable
image of venture-electronics-monk
(OSP: £???) £12


Venture Electronics, started in 2015, design earphones and kindly gear. The company found people were using their earbuds on tablets and smartphones, so made these for that purpose. There are many variations—these are 40 Ohm with a stock TRS plug.


image of venture-electronics-monk-lite


I don’t usually mention packaging, but this is worth a note—a zip‐press plastic bag with half the text in a Han script, fortune‐cookie oracles, and graphic cartoons. The bag is reusable, which is good. The Lites are assembled from stock parts, without large‐run integration, but show care and thought throughout—the design has reputedly changed three times. They have reasonably thick cables that are soft and rubberised—they tangle, but not badly. The plug has a soft strain relief, and the plastic housings are solid. I’d guess the Lites will be robust. They are unbelievably comfortable, if you have trouble with in‐earphones, these are worth a go for that alone. Though obviously an odd thing to have in your ears, they have reasonable style—these are the black and gold ones, and I like the retro hint.


Good loudness. Mid‐strings can sound a little muffled. Seems a bit frequency‐dependant for volumes. Outstanding volume range. Slow attack, but not lazy, same for decay. Swells are handled good. Mid/high horn frequencies are emphasised. Strange, so are high‐percussion frequencies. Frequency range is intriguing—the Lite has some high notes, but there’s high roll off—and has low notes, but muted. Low notes are controlled but have no detail, slightly better towards high notes. Detail is good on, say, string sections. Colour is outstanding everywhere. Scale is not the biggest, positioning only passable.

Only a reasonable for voice, but usable. If you can live with the volume variations and wandering focus, they deliver a canvas of color—very unusual for orchestra. Pop and rock are good, long as you can live with the midband approach. They are outstanding for acoustic and dense electrical instruments, solo or not. They lack space and depth for soundtracks, but have good atmosphere.


mic available?yes
cable noisequiet
accessoriesFour colors of foams
supportGood info, outstanding response, legendarily eccentric


Note that, despite the names, Monk Lites are not the same as the Monk, or Monk Plus. They are all earbuds, but sound and react differently.

The VE Monk Lites are made for portable devices. They should last. They are outstandingly comfortable. And, unusually, they seem tuned for purpose. They are detailed and fast enough, colorful, and play music right at you through the midband. Usefully, they never go duff or loose grip. So they are outstanding for acoustic instrumental music. But the sound is slightly foggy, uneven—favouring upper basses and horns—and will not go high or low. So they are only reasonable for voice and extreme synthetic sounds.

I’ve not found or guessed the Lite technology, but they are all about the build and tuning. Which makes them uneven, but never artificial or poor. Other reviews grumble about this and that, while accepting the Lites are good at what they do. Fans of commercial sound should avoid them… but they play music, especially acoustic music, like nothing else.