Primark 8944416 review

Dec. 31, 2021
image of primark
(OSP: £???) £5


Primark emerged 1973, and sell anything they can buy cheap, mostly clothes. But everyone nowadays needs headphones. This model appears to be the latest wired ones.


image of primark-8944416


It’s a blister pack—a bad one, with no way in. 416s look cheap because one plastic does everything, but they’re neat and finished nice. The cable is soft yet springy—I’d say not likely to tangle. Everything else is lightweight plastics. The headband works ok but is unpadded yet supposed to sit on your head. The pads are small even by on‐ear standards. 416s are springy enough to hold, at least, they are when you get them. The phones are all moulded together, so no obvious weak points but, that said, I can’t see them surviving a strong twist. The soft pads are comfortable—they are slightly and not obviously slewed—they fit better with the band to the back. No buttons. The shape is neat and tidy, the matte finishes likeable, lilac is a nice color—maybe cheap in shape and material, but good.


Only passable volume. There seems to be a volume dip on the low side of voice. Volume range reasonable but limited by boxyness. There’s no precision at all, but 416s follow envelope shape well. So timing is good… ah, well, 416s lumber if you push them hard. Without loosing track, they go soft and marshmallowy in swells. Some echo over much of the frequency range. There’s some resonance near woodwinds. And a low throb, but the throb wasn’t annoying enough for me to seek it out. Also a duff spot near flutes and similar high woodwind. Frequency range is good in the highband, but only enough lowband to sketch where a bass or drum should be. No detail. Overall colour good. Position wanders, and only reasonably precise.

Only a passable vocal phone, not through any outstanding flaw, but a lack of information, and edge high up. Orchestras… 416s get through them good, though you loose a lot on the way. Rock makes them do the marshmallow, but I’ve heard far worse. Reggae‐level bass will kick off the throb. For pop, games and soundtracks the balance and cleanliness are well cheerful. Solo performances expose the general lack of detail but, surprisingly, the cleanliness and balance make them a listen.


mic available?no
cable noisereasonable


There are no model numbers on Primark headphones, so I gave these a number from the tiny print—guess you need to use the packaging as identifier. Once you figure 416s out they’re hour‐long comfortable, even if that plastic will not breathe. I also think the colors and finish are charming, even if obviously cheap. Interestingly, 416s are clean of much small distortion, and have a nice free sound—unexpectedly, they’re uneven near vocals, but can play most anything. Yes, there’s echo, distance, no bass and when stressed they blur and flatten. Wish more did that.

Probably very cheap drivers, but well controlled. Aside, or maybe considering that slight low boom, the housings seem to be doing an interesting job, allowing open highband, but controlling the lowband. In sum, for a solution, 416s are a polite, cheerful answer.