Venture Electronics Odyssey review

Oct. 16, 2021
image of venture-electronics
(OSP: £???) £8
AliExpress/Veclan Electronics


Venture Electronics make the Monk earphone, and kindly gear. This is a version 2 Odyssey, called Odyssey HD. Many sockets are available, this is the basic TR version (other sockets can double the price). It’s made for Venture Electronic earphones.


image of venture-electronics-odyssey


Gathered from components, yet obviously thought about, the Odyssey is like no other cable amp. With twin chord cable and chunky metal housings this is the biggest cable tested. Metal feels like metal. The metal makes it feel robust. The Odyssey feels a little rough on connection. The style is small‐manufacturer utilitarian—I’d rate it passable, like something that fell off medical equipment. But I could see some thinking it was steampunk.


Good volume boost. But only reasonable volume range. Attack and decay seem relaxed, smooth and neat. Timing is reasonable. Good at moving through swells. Reasonable frequency range, but low frequencies, though there, are underplayed. Good detail at every frequency. Colour is only reasonable at higher frequencies, string‐higher frequencies are raspy, but balanced and good at mid/low frequencies, brass downwards. Positioning is only reasonable, seems to wander.

Despite smooth and neat performance, thin highs and low volume range is not good for orchestra. The timing and detail do better by soundtracks, but the volume range seems limiting. The distracting highs and noise interfere with rock, even as the amp is good with rhythm. On narrow bands of instrumental music, the Odyssey is revealing. It does seem to like good sources.


chipRealtek ALC4042
accessoriesUSB-C to USB-A block
supportGood info, outstanding response, legendarily eccentric


The included USB‐C to USB‐A block is the most useful accessory an amp package can provide.

The Odyssey seems to be fitted to purpose. It’s an industrial build. It puts out smooth detail, but has thin colour towards highs and low volume on otherwise controlled and colorful lows. Which make it only reasonable for voice but good for solo/few instruments. It can be hissy and it wanders—a mixed experience for bulky music.

It’s tricky to decide what would produce such a sound. The Odyssey uses an stock chip with unusual build features, such as a very low output impedance. The Odyssey has been measured, and measures badly. It has at least one enthusiastic supporter online. It’s possible to bridge this gap–some like the smooth detail, some are unimpressed by the noise and lack of volume range. Does this suit Venture Electronic earphones? For sure, the frequency response seems made for earphones, and especially earbuds. If it’s refinement and density you’re after it’s worth trying, but variable results.