E1DA D review

Nov. 14, 2021
image of e1da
(OSP: £???) £97


E1DA emerged in 2929. They only sell a handful of items—a skull‐warping digital amplifier, and variants on this headphone dongle. This one is the unbalanced‐only portable.


image of e1da-d


Well‐machined, as small‐shop. A little larger than a computer dongle. Very simple, USB in and 3.5mm socket out. The finish and printing may scratch (I read E1DA are now etching lettering). Strong aluminium and strangely light in weight—the alien metal. I note that, in the modern style, the USB‐C cable will not push flush into the dongle, and is tight into the test smartphone socket. The orange LED is a wonder. If you don’t mind craft, I make it good style.


I’m sure with it’s USB power supply, and as by far the weakest model in the range, the D can be beaten, but for my use it has tanks of power. Good volume range too. Timing can catch the floating edge power of a string section. And it cruises through swells, alert on every side. I noticed no frequency oddities, maybe a little glass in the treble. Then again, it puts detail onto bass, which is a trick, and into decays, which is remarkable. And drove otherwise cheap drivers to create bass I didn’t know they had in them. Positions are accurate, the scale is wide if not the widest.

Orchestral instruments float in air but with weight. The replay can be risky for rock, the treble shine splits from the rhythm section. But there is drive with stability and timing, so the amp usually gets away with it. In pop, where the timing is less important, the solidity and detail is outstanding—and this amp can motor like a V8. Soundtracks are a dose of real cinematic weight and atmosphere, without muddle.


chipESS ES9038Q2M
featuresAn orange multi-function LED
accessoriesChoice of USB-C/Splitter/Apple cables. Optional tuning phone app.
supportOutstanding information and prompt feedback


I lack the resources to compare, so this summary is not assured. Also, the D is sensitive at the input and can crackle. Anyway…

The D is made not for a product, but to work anywhere. That said, the D has no microphone support, and makes bad connections with microphoned earphones—be warned. After that it is more reliable than any other amp I’ve tried. Also the D does nothing with sound that cheaper amps can not do… but not all at once. Once or twice I found the D lifted treble, so beware processed rock music with revealing headphones. If it bothers you, the scale is less than it could be, the attack seems under‐damped. But you won’t be saying that about soundtracks.

Reputedly this chip can be hard to implement. Some of the signature problems… I hear the possibility. So what? A handful of reviews say ‘marvel’, repeat…—I disagree. The D is reliable thinking, well‐made. It can make a piano recording sound like a piano. That, I recall, is what I’m here for. And it’s got an orange LED.