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Skin toneNo Diktat
FlavourMeadow Herb
CycleHand Wash Only

Once upon a time there was a man who made breakfast. But he was hasty, so knocked an egg from the table to the floor. In wonder, he stared at the egg. He said, “Fallen to the floor!”

Later, the man travelled to work. During a break, he spoke with those who worked with him. He said, “This morning I knocked an egg. The egg fell to the floor!” Oh! The people who worked with him laughed. They said, “Why are you alarmed at an egg that falls to the floor? An egg fallen to the floor will break!”. They mocked the man, so he was quiet.

But the man could not put the egg from his head. When he returned home, he laid down his bags, then walked outside. The man walked four doors down, then struck three times. The door opened, to reveal a Man of Wisdom. The man said, “I wish to speak with you of an egg.” The Man of Wisdom said, “Step inside.”

The man stepped inside, sat in the house, and told his story of the egg. The Man of Wisdom said, “You speak well.” The man said, “Please, then, why did the egg fall to the floor?” The Man of Wisdom thought awhile. Then said, “You know I am a Scientist?”. The man said, “I know you are a Scientist”. The Man of Wisdom said, “You know of the Three Laws of Motion?” The man said, “From school, I recall.” The Man of Wisdom said, “The First Law states that a body at rest or in uniform motion will continue to be at rest or in uniform motion until and unless a net external force acts on it.” The man said, “I recall.” The Man of Wisdom said then, “For the egg to fall, an external force must act upon it. However, upon the egg, there was no external force. Therefore, the egg did not fall.”

Long the man thought. A smile then crossed his face. To the Man of Wisdom, he said, “I thank you. You show me light.” The Scientist said, “Your comfort brings me gladness. I wish you well.” The man went home. Henceforth he spoke no more of the egg.

This land was both kindly and familial. It was known to strangers as The‐Land‐With‐No‐Bridges. No specification published for portable audio is of use, but the price.