How to get better sound from portable devices

A list of ways to get better sound. In order of how effective.

Bear in mind that these methods change sound in different ways. Do not be put off if you want to change sound in a way you know, but it is low in the list.

Equalisation (EQ)

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‘Equalisation’ means controller that changes the volume of different frequencies. Equalisation can make more ‘bass’, or ‘treble’. The kind of equalisers I talk about here are either phone apps or computer programs. Good equalisers have eight or more controls.

Why try

Makes a massive difference to existing equipment—expensive or cheap. Unlike the old electronic equalisers, will not degrade the signal. Cheap, maybe £8 for a mobile phone.

Why not

No use for casual users—fiddly to set up. Near‐impossible to find an equaliser that works for all sources.

How you do it

There may be an equaliser built into your music player or computer. Otherwise, you need to try/buy an app. Try equalizer app reviews.

New headphones

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The solution most people think of first.

Why try

Can make a massive difference to sound. May also add convenience, such looking cool, having a microphone, or being useful in the gym.

Why not

If you have an expensive smartphone with the manufacturer’s earphones, you need to spend the same amount again—I say at least £80–£100.

How you do it

Go look at reviews and shop. Unfortunately, for those who want a simple decision, there is no simple answer. Audio replay is not a stable technology, so the range is vast.

Separate DAC/amp

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Your device has a Digital Audio Converter and amplifier built in. But maybe, especially on cheap phones, these can be improved.

Why try

Changes the sound in ways other methods do not. If you can get an amplifier working, works with all sources and any headphones.

Why not

Mostly for wired headphones. Can be awkward to use, a box or cable attached to the device. As expensive as buying the earphones themselves, £20–£xxx.

How you do it

Go read reviews then buy. Like headphones, a vast range available.

Better sound sources

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If you download music, buy better quality tracks.

Why try

Easy to try. Makes a difference. Works on cheap or expensive equipment.

Why not

If you listen to podcasts or news reports, pointless. Will not give the massive change of the methods above. Usually, high quality sound files are sold at a premium.

How you do it

You are probably buying the tracks anyway, so try a few HQ versions.

Better players

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Some software audio players, even the ones that come with your device, are not the best quality.

Why try

You download high quality music, then want the best out of it. Some high quality music, such as MCQ tracks, need a special player anyway. And a new music player may offer conveniences, such as tidy track organisation.

Why not

Only applies to stored sound. Only high‐quality music downloaders and rippers need try for better replay.

How you do it

The service that provides the music will provide their own player, or point you to advised players. Otherwise, your phone app sources will contain many players.

Other ways to change sound quality


Modify what you have, as do‐it‐yourself. Headphones (on‐ear and over‐ear) especially often have small communities recommending partnering equipment and modifications. Modifications range from simple pad and.or cable replacement (see below), to carving into the headphones to alter sound character.

Why try

Tools aside, cheap. Can make a large difference to sound.

Why not

Earphones (not headphones) are tiny, so not easy to rebuild. Usually, a manufacturer has enough knowledge so the parts fitted work with each other (if not premium). You may not have tools like soldering irons, clamps, spare parts etc.

How you do it

Go online, find a community for your ear/headphones. Inspiration: modifying the cheaper Koss headphones, and this firm makes parts for Grado headphones,

New earplugs/pads

Most earphones and headphones use plugs or pads to join to the ear. You can change them.

Why try

The sound of in‐earphones especially can be changed by the plugs—what they are made of, the shape, and how they fit. That’s why manufacturers of more expensive earphones provide several versions.

Why not

The plugs and pads you get are generally of suitable quality. You will usually buy new ones to replace dirty or torn items, or to improve comfort.

How you do it

Find a manufacturer and supply. This is not always easy, yet there are many available. I don’t recommended, but—for earbuds, Venture Electronics make a little pack. For in‐ear earphones, try Spinfit and Comply. For headphone pads, try Yaxi.

New cables

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HiFi‐type discussions, forums, and magazines go on and on about cables.

Why try

Cables are an amusingly obsessive pastime. More expensive headphones, such as over £80 or so, sometimes have fittings that let you change cables.

Why not

Arguments rage, but it is generally believed that for earphones, new cables make little difference (cables for stand‐alone sound equipment are much longer, so differences can be heard). Headphone manufacturers usually provide replaceable cables because cables can break.

How you do it

Find a manufacturer and supply. Replacement of cables is rarely sense so, cheerfully, I offer prestige.

A comfortable sofa

image of sofa

Listen in quiet seclusion.

Why try

Nothing like getting down with an audiobook or some river‐rock for twenty minutes.

Why not

Pressure. Expense. Life priorities.

How you do it

Brick walls, disposable income, and social position.